Dominus & Napanook 2021 Vintage

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Dominus & Napanook, Napa Valley

2021 Vintage

2021 is an exceptional vintage in the Napa Valley, with many proclaiming it the best since the outstanding 2013. The weather was particularly favourable throughout the growing season, which started rather dry, with winter and spring rains amounting to 350mm, compared to an average of 775mm. As such, from the beginning of the year, the vines were reasonably stressed. This stress was maintained throughout the summer, with high temperatures but without any severe heat waves. As a result, the berries were small and phenolics high, with deeply intense aromas.

“2021 was an incredible year,” Edouard Moueix at Dominus told us. “Nature was very kind, giving grapes that were beautiful – in their rich flavour, their balancing acidity and structure. Our job was to capture this beauty and harmony in our wines.” This, the team at Dominus has done in spades.

We are delighted to offer, below, the 2021 vintage from Dominus Estate. It is worth noting that the Estate has declassified the totality of their 2022 vintage, which suffered from the severe heat wave of 6th-10th September 2022. Consequently, no 2022 Dominus or Napanook has been made.

These 2021 wines are offered in bond, for delivery in early 2025.

Orders can be placed online or via our shops.

Per case of 6 bottles In Bond
Per case of 6 bottles In Bond
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